Climate humidity control display cases more and more popular among museums

Display cases form an intimate room in museums to exhibit relics and artworks to the audience. They are the channel for spiritual conversation, while cast ultimate guard for the exhibits. Display cases with climate control provide comprehensive protection over exhibits through special designs. Strict airtight measures to minimize air exchange, powerful humidity and temperature control, lighting with minimal heat radiation. All the details combine, form an optimal preserving enclosure. To display and to preserve, display cases with excellent climate control have become more and more popular among museums.

Poor management of humidity is one of the key factors that may cause damage to fragile or sensitive exhibits such as those comprised of fabric
and paper. In order to keep humidity within a set constant range, we offer two options:Passive climate humidity control and Active climate humidity control

Passive climate humidity control display cases
media in sheet or granulated form. In a passive environmental control system, a sealed case is designed to incorporate reactive materials that absorb and release moisture. The objective is either to stabilize (buffer) the enclosure against RH change or control (adjust) the interior RH to a specific level. Although these materials can both absorb and release moisture, they are known as moisture absorbers, Experience has shown that passive humidity control is very effective and can be incorporated into museum cases without major expense. Low maintenance and low initial expense makes passive designs especially attractive for museums with restricted exhibit budgets or for exhibits with many cases or cases in diverse locations.

· Active climate humidity control display cases
An electronic constant humidity control system can precisely control and maintain the humidity in showcases.Whether it is required to dehumidify or humidify, the electronic constant humidity control system works around the clock to ensure the humidity level is maintained throughout as specified for a particular exhibit.

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